Sunday, November 24, 2019

Game work report

The ongoing work on the game is on the other part. It will be a more open world in a limited area.
For this I do lots of scene backgrounds. An important thing is to get an accurate picture of 
the characters' pregnancy progress and the development of babies. I make monster babies in c4d from 
adult poser characters. 
To get the right proportions, I have to re-rig some of them. A job that takes a lot of time and some frustration.
Then it's time for the game maker app (Tyrano Builder) to get it to load the right character image depending 
on the stage of pregnancy 
or baby age. I will use a variable to estimate pregnancy progression. But I'm not sure how to update it 
in a good way. 
Pregnancy can get pretty fast in the game.
Minotaur baby re-rigging.
Beast babies.
Horny Beast men.
Landscape WIP.