Saturday, January 20, 2018

WIP. Comments Wanted.

Hi folks.
Things are proceeding. The game (beta) is the most developed part. 
The comic also proceeds. The movie haw not proceed much.
There are also lots of monster WIP. renders. 
Here are some of them I want feedback for.

Some early WIP monsters.
1. Monkey Kong. Some better name is desirable.
2. Scorpio.
3. Spell Flicker. An D&D monster pastiche.
4. Zeron. Amducias.
5. Azellot.
6. Bloboth. The Trans dimensional slimer.
7.Bullyfrog. An D&D monster pastiche.
8. Lurker.

Stuff and Treasures WIP.
There are lots of precious stuff to be find in the game world. 
Among other things an enchanted armour bikini top. 
Its gives same protection as an ordinary armour. 
And its protects from cold whether and burning sun.
An magic pubis ring "An ring to fuck them all".
And lots of more.
Anny ideas for sexual magic artefacts? (And spells?).

Seeker WIP.
Something is wrong this picture. I'm not sure what it is.

Cock Roaches WIP
This is better but needs something more.

And at last a carp picture as a trap for bots from porn sites 
how downloads random pictures. 
I have no thing against they are using my pictures then its for free. 
But I use to post crapy wip. pictures for get some feedback. 
And they downloads that pictures and post it as my work of art. 
I guess no human is involved.