Thursday, August 24, 2017


There are again more to do in IRL that takes time from creating content. 
But small progress is done in the comics and the game.

Upgrade of the old Satyr illustration.

Dungeon map. Two views in parallel projection.

There are some part of the game there I haw hard to make decisions. 
In this I would be glad to have input. Is this idea ok, or it is stupid?

The calendar may be of importance for the game. So the cosmology, calendar and rules must fit together. 
And that may create mystic connections between the celestial spheres, time and fertility.

The astrolabe calendar keeps account on the time. In Urdea one moth is 5 weeks or 30 days. 
One week is 6 days. 
And the year is 12 months or 360 days. The day is 24 h.
On the astrolabe the moon circle will turn independently from the solar day circle. 
The speed of the moon is faster near the dark phase.

There are also markings for moon lunar eclipse and sun eclipse. 
Lunar eclipse occurs one every year and sun eclipse one every twelve year.
One week is the fertile one (ovulation). The basic chance for impregnation are 30%, 
if there are living sperms in the womb this week.


  1. Gosh, it looks awesome.
    My advice is: Think about that idea from the perspective of implementation. When you think about it, do you have ideas how to integrate that into the game that are not overly complicated? If that is the case, then go for it, if not, leave it out.
    I do like the idea though.

  2. where can I find the comics and are you going to put out a demo cant wait for the game

  3. I will announce where the comics may be downloaded when it is finished.
    The game is a paper and pen tabletop RPG game. I hope to have a beta version this fall.

  4. I like the calendar, but I don't think you need to get too complex with it, since the Game Master will basically just decide for his adventure what the phase of the moon is. Though having rules for impregnation chances would be nice.

  5. In order to make it easier, it is also possible to make an annual calendar in the common tabular form.
    It can also be used as a quick mini diary. To record ovulation, births and other important events.
