Sunday, October 23, 2011

Problem solved. maybe.

 Now I have a complete new computer doubled processor speed and double memory.
In the first test the old problems remains.
But after transplanting (copy pasta) the content of the file in to a new file it final worked.
Something in the files involving hair, seems to get damage then I updated to C4R12. But it seems as I can repair it. I hope I soon car start render again.
I have thought a lot about the minotaur scene. I wonder if the minotaur is to tiny.
Watt do you think?
Here are a picture with the actual sizes.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

No progress due to computer problem.

Hi again. The project rest due to technical difficulties'. But is not dead.
I had terrible problem with render lots of hair. I have try all things I think. It works in few frames but then the render stops. It render perfect with no hair but the minotaur must have hair. Are some one know how to use C4d hair module? I'm grateful for help.
The problem may come from huge demand for memory and cpu. I'm are soon going for a new computer with double processor speed and double memory. Hope that will solve the problem.
Picture by Picasso.