Sunday, October 1, 2017

Back to Unreality.

Hi! Now haw I more free time again. So I'm back in unreality.
Lots have been done on the game. The rules for the magic system is mostly finished.
Its mostly an conventional system with spell lists and the magician clichés as classes. 
Suggestion for spells are welcome.

Not much more have I done with the movie but the work with the comics proceed.
I have done sketches for a big missing part in the plot and have drawn some more sides.

I also proceeds to update old pictures. 
My skills in texturing and light may have improved since the last renders.

And there are also new monsters.
To day there are 121 monsters. Here a new weird one inspired by a D&D monster.

A few new heroines have been added. Minona the barbarian women is the latest. 
Is the name ok? Or is there any better suggestion?

1 comment:

  1. keep it up can't wait for the game we need more games like this preg woman monster humping fun for all
