Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Work update.

Its proceeds slowly. I had several crashes then rendering. Probably due to the new C4 had problem with render lots off hair. Now I get a new fix from Maxon and the crashes is no more. The problem gone but I lost several weeks of rendering because this problem. It will take much more time but I will bring this work to the end. And I have ideas for make a BB3 and 4.


  1. Thanks for the update. Hope you can con-
    tinue without further technical problems.

    Cheers, Jess

  2. Will BB3 and BB4 also be medieval/fantasy setting? Will you consider a sci-fi space aliens series?

  3. Also thanks for the update, always great to hear how things are going, good or bad. The hair looks a lot better in this preview image than the last - not sure if it's the angle or the improvement in software.

    I like this preview image... She really "has the bull by the horns".

  4. Great to see an update -- very cool news indeed!

  5. i like how she's taking monster horns

  6. Looking forward to an update, even if its just news -- everything starting to settle into place?

    Hope all is well!

  7. Any news? You kinda disappeared there. Hope your computer didn't crash...

  8. Is this project dead?
