Friday, July 9, 2010

Tentacular enjoyment.

Hi I’m temporary back from some vacation. I make experiments with character combos and positions for further animations. There are also improvements of the characters. Shasira have I given a new high-res texture. But the bad thing had come up. If I use more than 2 hi poly characters at the same time the render will not work. The same problem is if I use too much hair. Before I’m starting to make serious animations I must get more memory. I have 2GB but think I need at last 4GB. PS. Here are new downloads for the complete Bestial breed 3. Including part 1, 2 and 3. If you want only part3, use this link.


  1. Hi.

    I am usually not that wild about tentacles, but SHE is making them look alright to me. Thanks for the update, always good to know that something is going on.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Cheers, Jess

  2. I agree with JCD there, the image is uber-nifty, and I'm happy to know your work is going on. Always looking forward to see some more from you!

  3. Welcome back from vacation - hope it was awesome! As for this update - WOW! :) Utterly fun as always!! Thanks for sharing it and I'm looking forward to whatever you come up with next!

  4. Amazing! You're one of my favorite artists!!!

  5. "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable."

  6. Got a new location for part 1 2 and 3 of BB 1?
